Yvonne lives in North London with her husband and has two sons. She has worked in education since 1972 and became interested in the specific area of childbirth in 1980 prior to the birth of her first child. Through her own birth experiences she realised the potential for the use of yoga in childbirth preparation and is a pioneer in the development of the use of yoga to prepare women for labour and birth. Yvonne has since devoted her time and work to the study and teaching of this powerful combination.
She was instrumental in organising the ‘Birth Preparation Study Group’ in 1981, which represented a core of people who are now senior YogaBirth Teachers. She was also involved in organising the London Birthrights Rally in 1982 attended by 6,000 people on Hampstead Heath, London, and the two Active Birth Conferences at Wembley in 1982 and 1983 and the International Water Birth Conference in 1995. Yvonne is a co-founding member of the Active Birth Movement and of the Active Birth Teacher Training Course and of ‘YogaBirth’. Her involvement with Active Birth teacher training started in 1986 – its foundation year – and she became a Director of the course in 1990. Along with her co-founders, their efforts in the early ‘80s have been the catalyst for dramatic improvements to the way birth is seen and approached today.
Yvonne has studied yoga since 1976 and has educated parents in preparation for birth since 1982, encouraging women and their partners to be active participants in the birth and development of their children. She also lectures and holds workshops for midwives and other health professionals both in England and abroad. In 1989 Yvonne was appointed a trustee of the Primal Health Research Association by Michel Odent, Head of Research.
Yvonne Moore
Tel: 0207 794 2056 Fax: 0207 794 2046
Hampstead, London